Parcel 0 is CityDAO’s first claim on physical land and will always be the DAO’s premier frontier. The land evokes a sense of pride, gives holders a chance to look forward to what is possible, and offers an uncommon and valuable opportunity for novel experimentation. However, action is necessary in order for Parcel 0’s potential to be realized.


Parcel Acquisition

CityDAOs existence was build around the acquisition of Parcel 0, which was completed in October of 2021. In November 2021 it was determined that the land would be conserved.

Parcel 0 - Plot NFTs

Over the next months the DAO had various discussions regarding the distribution of plots. Through CityDAO’s largest ever vote (CIP-43) it was decided that NFTs could be claimed by all citizens. Separately, holders were granted governance rights. A page is available which describes Parcel 0 NFT Trait Types & Trait Info and all plots can be viewed through CityDAO’s Parcel Viewer.

Parcel 0 Autonomization

Recognizing Parcel 0’s status within the community, CIP-112 outlined activities to elevate the project and provide autonomy for Parcel 0 holders. This makes sense given the unique position of the NFTs as they related to land, with related access and governance rights to be enacted. Doing this would enable broader discussions while also limiting related conversations to those with a direct stake in the effort, enabling a variety of novel mechanisms and sub-DAO/guild approaches to be tried. One example is the challenge related to Public Goods is the transition from private to common ownership (or PCO/Partial Common Ownership). This is an ideal low-risk proving ground for SALSA/Harberger tax trials, experimental approaches to governance, ownership, and other real estate related technical challenges that are prioritized by Parcel 0 NFT holders.

Current State

Though ideations continue, Parcel 0 is at a relative standstill. Progress cannot happen due to multiple blockages. The DAO does not appear to have a plan to manage or enact necessary aspects. There is no mechanism for Parcel 0 holders to participate in governance. Various actions items have been outstanding for months, and no one has been identified to lead the effort or implement necessary changes. This page serves to outline a framework for a proposed path forward ***(*November 2022 UPDATE: It appears that CIP-133 is an attempt to address this).

Pending Activations

Efforts by CityDAO

CityDAO must identify someone who has the responsibility of ensuring that the DAO fulfills its mandate. This person will need to be empowered with a budget and the ability to activate others so that goals can be met. CIP-133 is a good starting point. Involvement of an existing DAO representative may be necessary. A primary contact within CityDAO and a related project lead is recommended. Funding for additional fulfillment items will be required. Some outstanding items include:

Confirmation of CIP-14 Items